some useful websites (general)
Craigslist Boston   Online Classified Ads
Proton MailEncrypted/private email, calendar, and drive
input:outputSimple web tools with no popups, no cookies, no tracking   
search engines
UDM=14AI-Free Google Search searchSearch engine for the classic web   
Marginalia SearchAn independent DIY search engine that focuses on non-commercial content   
Listen NotesPodcast Search Engine   

punk and diy related
The Counterforcea zine, blog, directory for the hardcore punk underground
Do a catalog of event spaces and organizers from around the world
Boston Shows.OrgUpcoming live music in greater Boston.
Safe in a CrowdMassachusetts Hardcore and Punk Show Listings
WMBR Concert Report MIT's college radio station has a comprehensive list of shows they keep updated
Boston Groupie NewsShow listings, interviews, lots of old Boston punk photos and more
Massachusetts Punk Flyers Huge archive of flyers, photos, and general punk show history in Boston
NB Rock.Net History/archive of New Bedford bands. Includes flyers, demo downloads, and more.
New England Music DirectoryA 'community driven datasource' containing info on venues across New England
Solidarity! Revolutionary Center and Radical Library over 800 digitized zines free to download or view online

web development and design tools
NeocitiesBuild your own free website!!! Just like this one
Realtime HTML Editorfree/no log-in side-by-side html editor with live preview
W3 Schoolsthe world's largest web developer site, so many tutorials for html, css, javascript, and beyond
sadgrl.onlineBig collection of various web-building tools, guides, a layout builder, 88x31 button maker, and more.
EZ GifOnline GIF maker and image editor
EGGRAMEN's CSS TestpagesFree CSS layout templates. Bunch of different ideas/options.
Debt Death's TemplatesFree, responsive website templates
templaterr's layout templatesNavigation tools and simple layouts for starting out with neocities
SCM Playerfree and open source web music player you can embed onto your site
Dither it!Free/Open Source web app to dither images
TEXTANIMAnimated text generator
Js PaintOpen-Source, Web Components-based remake of MS Paint using modern web capabilities